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Untested upgrades:
4.10.0-fc.0 ,
4.10.0-fc.1 ,
4.9.0 ,
4.9.1 ,
4.9.10 ,
4.9.11 ,
4.9.12 ,
4.9.13 ,
4.9.15 ,
4.9.17 ,
4.9.4 ,
4.9.5 ,
4.9.6 ,
4.9.7 ,
4.9.8 ,
Loading changelog, this may take a while ...
Created: 2022-01-20 09:10:37 +0000 UTC
Image Digest: sha256:b0230eb5f20d9780418a284fd743f6706999fda4141656e0adf7f239b23d1f80
Release 4.10.0-fc.2 was created from
Rebuilt images without code change
docker-builder git 6409cc63 sha256:421836b2fc003f0747de0fba5e1945563dedddc0e5b49532a9a601b1fd4dfd45
jenkins git bc2b875e sha256:43b27f73f8f6e850e9fd4d388ddbf3a68686d09e9c8bb096bb39443cb3bcfdf5
jenkins-agent-base git bc2b875e sha256:6c96586dfbe8fb68ed4f2c080ea7103ac9ae354991a45efc7050f9fc7ac649be
jenkins-agent-maven git bc2b875e sha256:f2ec044c794dad4e567214833d206c638280fcd5ff94bf7a8c6b153ff4346344
jenkins-agent-nodejs git bc2b875e sha256:c3624a1dd3ca844c6a2592fee4a61271e645158d8518ebc9d0b73ebe0e8cd938
machine-os-content sha256:455d8bca075384c67f0a64aec41c87ff6b1d97c8c639669424b8bc109990c856
must-gather git 86d4139b sha256:5fdcd603b96c7557639466ff6fdb9a498ff398fccdeb6cf336f7cf3053dba34d
network-tools git bcfec9c5 sha256:d894c3c2b6ce2cbb100f3e7050be0840090f6ee290721bf00b99db833606766a
Bug 2039119 : assets: let CVO manage the CMO Service resource #1537
Reconcile AlertManagerConfig in UWM from platform Prometheus #1527
manifests: Support thanos query requst logging via CM #1513
Full changelog
Remove unnecessary division into important and failable gatherers (#567) #567
Full changelog
Add test for OS updates being staged within 5-10m. #26759
Bug 1931594 : add one more timeout condition for –request-timeout test #26756
separate prometheus watch alerts #26762
Alter junit test suite names for jobs with multiple junit xmls. #26755
split watchdog test into its own test #26760
allow promtail restarts as designed #26761
make it easy to create multiple flavors of interval charts #26757
Bug 2040741 : Allow baremetal tests to run on multiple platforms #26660
Bug 2038389 : Fix vsphere testing workarounds #26737
allow burn budget to flake until kube-apiserver team finds and fixes it #26747
for upgrades, skip alerts with individual invariant tests #26746
Display ErrImagePull messages. #26745
Record zero for known alerts #26744
stop flaking on disruption because we always produce data for analysis #26735
separate out more alerts into specific tests #26743
watch specific alerts for pending and firing #26741
allow wardle aggregated apiservers to be down pending bug #26742
use route to access prometheus instead of exec pods. #26740
Full changelog
Source code for this page located on github